What's To Be Expected Of Your Scaffolding Design?

Posted by Matthew Robinson on Jul 19, 2019 11:07:00 AM

Whats To Be Expected Of Your Scaffolding Design

No matter what the nature or size of the project you are working on, if the project requires scaffolding, it is essential that the design of your scaffolding follows certain requirements. This is to ensure that not only your scaffolding will be safe for workers to use, but also that your project can be completed in the most efficient way possible.

So, What Exactly Are Some Scaffold Design Requirements?

The Work at Height 2005 Regulations states that scaffolding must be designed to bespoke requirements unless the scaffolding is being assembled to a general standard configuration. This means that a scaffold design must be unique to the location and job it is being used to complete. It is also essential that a scaffolding design is created by a qualified and competent individual or company.

Another requirement of a scaffolding design is the consideration for how the scaffolding will be erected and dismantled safely. How the scaffolding will be erected must be considered at the beginning of the design process to ensure the project can be completed smoothly.

The individual or company responsible for designing the scaffold must take into account certain factors when creating a scaffolding design, such as the length of time the scaffolding will be used, where the scaffolding will be placed, maximum loads the scaffolding will need to hold and the intended use of the scaffolding, among other factors. As a necessary requirement, a designer must consider all these factors when creating a scaffolding design, or the scaffolding may be unsafe or unfit for use.

What Happens If These Requirements Are Ignored?

If you fail to meet the necessary scaffold design requirements, there are a number of complications and costly consequences that may occur. For example, if erected scaffolding doesn't meet safety requirements, both workers and pedestrians could be at risk. If a worker is injured, not only could this be dangerous and potentially life-threatening, but there may be costly legal expenses following their accident.

How Can You Be Sure You Have Met All The Important Scaffold Design Requirements?

The most cost-efficient and practical way to ensure you have met safety requirements is to seek the help of a professional who will take care of your scaffolding design for you, ensuring you have total peace of mind.

Access Design has been delivering a high-quality scaffold design service since 2010 by utilising frame analysis, CAD and wind loading analysis software. With our experience and expert knowledge, we are able to create exceptional scaffolding design drawings and calculations that meet all scaffold design requirements.

Guide To When A Scaffolding Does And Doesn't need A Design

Image Source: Pexels

Topics: Scaffold Design